About Us


Company Profile


Becoming a leading partner and choice of businesses in training and auditing certification of management systems according to international standards, providing professional management solutions, tools and skills supporting business management in the global


Research and develop training and evaluation services / products according to international standards, build the most practical application solutions, help customers improve business-management issues, maximizing the capacity of the contingent of officials and employees


Continuously develop professional skills, improve the professionalism, quality and ethics of the Professionals – lecturers. Creating the best working conditions for a team of experts-lecturers when participating in training-teaching and evaluating activities in enterprises

ZINCONTROL demonstrates the successful implementation of the mission and vision when bringing added value to customers and the social community. Share knowledge and help businesses and organizations manage knowledge effectively, synchronously and creatively

ZINCONTROL’S QUALITY POLICY integrated systems life sciences solutions
– Ensure that training and audit activities are carried out in accordance with certification scope and within the requirements of international standards
– Offer a service to the best abilities, which is independent and impartial and is seen to be fair, cost competitive and of high integrity
– Auditors focus heavily on achieving the effectiveness of management system after certification
-Help enterprises gain practical benefits after trained and certified


♦ ZINCONTROL understands the importance of impartiality in carrying out its management system certification activities, manages conflict of interest and ensure the objectivity of its management system certification activities.

♦ ZINCONTROL is committed to a policy of achieving total impartiality in its certification activities and implementation of system for management of impartiality. ZINCONTROL is committed to establish the system for management of impartiality complying with requirements as per ISO/IEC 17021 and its review cum analysis annually

♦ ZINCONTROL is committed to respond to any threats to its impartiality arising from the actions of persons, bodies or organizations. ZINCONTROL has a policy that it understands the importance of impartiality in carrying out its management system certification activities, manages conflict of interest and ensure objectivity of its management system certification activities.

♦ ZINCONTROL identifies, analyzes and documents the possibilities for conflict of interests arising from provision of certification including any conflict arising from its relationship. It has an impartiality committee as which does annual impartiality analysis and its review. ZINCONTROL takes action to respond to any threats to its impartiality arising from the actions of person, bodies or organizations.

Any person/organization can get in touch at zincontrol@outlook.com to express concerns regarding impartiality 


♦ ZINCONTROL  shall contribute to the improvement of management performance for its clients by providing them with the best services in training, certification and related activities, and strive to be a leading certification in its kind

♦ ZINCONTROL shall provide competitive certification and audit services by giving continuous confidence to all interested parties that the management system certified fulfills specified requirements as well as impartial and competent assessment. Parties that have an interest include the clients, customers of organizations whose management systems are certified, governmental authorities, non-government organization, consumers and other members of public

♦ ZINCONTROL shall adhere to a system formulated on principles of:

♥ Impartiality

♥ Competence

♥ Responsibility

♥ Openness

♥ Confidentiality

♥ Responsiveness to complaints

♥ Risk based approach